Aesthetics and Dermatology

All-inclusive Super Cellulite Workstation

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The unique super multiple slimming platforms in China integrated Cryolipolysis, Cavitation, RF(Radio Frequency) and Lipolaser four technology together. It could provide all of kinds slimming solutions for different demands.


It uses controlled cooling to freeze and eliminate unwanted fat cells without surgery or downtime. Eliminate stubborn fat that resists all efforts through diet and exercise. The results are proven, and noticeable, so you'll look great from every angle.

  • Many of us have stubborn fat despite diet and exercise.
  • CoolSculpting technology uses controlled cooling (Cryolipolysis) to target and kill only these fat cells.   
  • In the weeks to follow, these fat cells are naturally eliminated from the body.
  • Treated fat cells, once eliminated from the body, are gone for good.

Lipo laser

Lipo laser machine emits low levels of laser energy, which creates a chemical signal in the fat cells, breaking down the stored triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol and releasing them though channels in the cell membranes.


  • 2 cryolipolysis handpieces, 1 cavitation tip, RF heads(Tripolar and Multiple-polar), and 4 big and 2 small lipo laser pads. Total 11 handle pieces. Modularly design separated controlling system.
  • Mitsubishi diode lipo laser, the energy up to 200mw.
  • Per cryolipolysis handpiece-4 dual-layer cooling chip.
  • External detachable filters and intuitive self-cleaning system.